Will the Real Squirrel Please Stand Up?
Here At the Edge of the Wood no one is fooled by this fake but it is good reminder that squirrels are flesh and blood not mere cardboard cut-outs. Thoreau writes in Walden, “The squirrel that you kill...
View ArticleWhat Day Is It? Ask a Bird.
A new study finds that songbirds follow a strict annual schedule when migrating to their breeding grounds – with some birds departing on precisely the same date each year. How do they know? Science...
View ArticleDo Squirrels Like Soccer?
Here at the Edge of the Wood we are not sure if the residents organize into pee-wee soccer leagues when our backs are turned, but we do know they are extreme parkour practitioners. Squirrels have...
View ArticleWho’s Brain is Better, Yours or a Squirrels?
Professor Kelly Drew of the University of Alaska, Fairbanks has discovered that arctic squirrels lose synapses in their brains when they hibernate. What is remarkable is that when they wake up, the...
View ArticleWhen is a Chipmunk Like a Chicken?
Here at The Edge of The Wood we noticed that chipmunks can talk up a storm. They can sound alarm calls for as long as 30 minutes but what are they saying? Scientists noted three distinct alarm calls,...
View ArticleWho’s tougher…A Football Player Or A Woodpecker?
A woodpecker’s beak is tough…and innovative! The spongy bones and nail hard beaks of woodpeckers are inspiring a new generation of shock absorbers, potentially shielding airplane black boxes, football...
View ArticleIt’s Official….Squirrels are Quick Learners
Here at The Edge of the Wood…. well, we didn’t do so well on our SAT’s. But squirrels know how to ace it. A new study has shown that grey squirrels are quick learners capable of adapting tactics to...
View Article15 Minutes for the Squirrels
While squirrels are constantly making the news, here at The Edge of the Wood we wanted to give our actors a little star treatment. Enjoy and learn from the masters.
View ArticleHappy New Year….Matilda.
Here at The Edge of the Wood we want to send a special New Year’s wish to FOTW (friend of the woods) Matilda and we wish everyone a joyous 2016. In the words of the luminous Albert Einstein, “Look...
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